The Declaration of Unification.

The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend.

This is it.  This is the point.  And also the point of convergence of all thought and matter in Space and Time.  Science is nearly there and the world is going to change and slowly all our minds with it; the world only being an effect of global consciousness and proof that mind and vision must be a shared response to nature. But perception and thought, too, are locked into a cause-and-effect relationship.  We can think (in ignorance) that we see reality but truth is beyond human comprehension for thought is the foundation of all separation in the universe.  Religion should have taken us to Truth.  The Scriptures or spiritual history calls out truth to those who have had their perception and vision corrected by using Time for its purpose.  Secular History can never touch the truth as it is made by man for his own purpose.  But there it is.  The only thing missing was understanding of what we were seeing and experiencing in our lives.  Everything that happens points to the same thing without exception.

Evolution is a profoundly personal phenomenon.  Evolution is solely a matter of one’s perception which is a function of resistance to what is real.  Time is really about fear.  You seem to be where you are in Time, on the evolutionary stage, because of the amount of fear that you bring with you on your journey through Time.

A Declaration of Independence is a declaration of separation and has nothing to do with freedom.  In fact, it is the precise opposite of what freedom is.  A Declaration of Unification is a declaration of peace because peace can only be found in wholeness, which is perfect love.

Very few have existed on this world who were capable of loving wholly.  It is the nature of man to seek and destroy such individuals because of the clear and present danger that they present to what the masses understand as being their freedom.  We cannot think to understand what peace and freedom is if we will to understand separate of what is real and holy both of ourselves and of God, Himself, which alone represents reality and what must be true and real.

Of what I write is of real power and is presented to a mass of people who do not know where real power lies.  Because the knowledge has been hidden from them.  This power allows for Science to merge harmoniously with Spirituality in every conceivable way.  No problems remain.  No unknowns.  No mysteries.  It is in this way that God knows Himself in perfect love and this is what nature is.  All that is real is a pure expression of His Love for His creations which are extensions of perfect love and therefore inseparable from what He is.  No where in reality can separation occur.  Things can only seem to appear separated in the minds of those who are fearful of knowing the pure Love of God.  Everything that is real is that.  There exists nothing else despite what the separated ones, who fear God, believe.  God is the new born child, as we were at our beginning in this world (our lives, does each, mimic the entire karmic path).  God can only know what the newborn can know.  The rest is as much a mystery to God as God is to the separated ones who have learned to use Time to distance themselves from love for Him.  We must regain our newborn state of mind, again—for Innocence is Heaven’s Witness and it is this direction (which is directly opposed to ego’s own) that can restore communication with God.

Interesting question:  Can fear be separate from hate?  Is it perhaps true that 99.9% of the world’s population hates God?  Those who fear God would naturally be too afraid to consider the true connection between fear and hate (they share the same cause constructed both of ego’s thought-system).  But such work is precisely what Time is for—to look within ourselves and begin to heal our minds so that it and the Mind of God may merge together.  In Reality they never existed apart.  Fear makes belief in illusions.  We must always strive to bring our illusions to His single truth.  Everything rests upon it.

Jesus taught this but in our catalogue of stored secular history, his message has been restated by an institution who would not convey God’s Laws or Love but would instead use fear as a weapon against the people to establish their power over the people and to establish their own laws.  It is not a problem, so much.  And only a very few are responsible for the manipulation.  These few men merely failed to recognize the proper use of Time as Time comes to rest upon the earth.  To believe in death is to believe in attack and so they are being faithful to their religion.  Where God cannot understand the Holy Spirit can and the Holy Spirit is God’s answer to ego and man’s means to bring to him peace and salvation.  Forgiveness is required because attack of any kind is merely a calling for love.  It is nothing more.  Nothing less.  So forgive all your brothers and thus be done with the past.  Salvation, then, will be yours as will God rejoice in Heaven for it.  This is but the only gift that our Father would ask of us.  Learn to give it gladly and know the Glory of God in you.

His Glory is given to us and Time must be for sharing It with all our brothers on earth.  Good Works reveal His Love to us and lights up the path to salvation.  Only in fear can one know darkness.  The need to share His Love is the one universal constant in time and by the Great Rays all the separate wills will be made uniform.  Light, too, is a symbol of Communication that encompasses all life for all that exists shares a uniform purpose.  We need each other as much as we need our Father.  Perfect communication only happens in wholeness where no separated ones remain.  Being alone is a misperception of the unfolding of the evolutionary process.  Its purpose can only be to bring completion to the Sonship and thus ending the need for Time and Space.  An end to separation and total annihilation of the ego;—a lifting of the blocks in man’s mind to the awareness of love’s eternal presence.  This is God’s dream.  Love God enough to bring Him this gift. This is to be in perfect communication with life and is Life with Him.  It is Heaven.  To believe that heaven is found externally to the substance of nature is to misuse the power of creation to form the distortions that prolong restoration.  A blind march into total darkness is a nightmare which exists no where but in our own minds, minds which persist to think without the Holy Spirit and so has not made room for light to enter.

All who believe in their existence is given time.  Separation seems the reward for their devotion to this belief.  It is in Time that you must find a way to restore the line of communication that has been broken between Father and Son.  The Great Rays are each one a Son born of Him.  Your love for Him must shine in you and be a beacon for others to follow.  In God’s Dream, His Sons so use His Power to extend His Love as He does and so Communication between God and His Sons is restored.  This is Spiritual Evolution on the level of Reality separate of man’s idea of himself and nature, which man did not create nor does man’s own thoughts alone reflect Truth which rests wholly in the Mind of God, the Source of the originating substance which binds all truths together.  Nothing you can see with your body’s eyes is separate from you.  Your thoughts make it so but only because you desire to maintain a will that is separate from what is true.  This may even seem to serve a purpose in your (own personal) time, but know if only for your own sake, that Time is wasted in this way.  Purpose is wholeness.  Love is the only purpose.

Ego fears losing control and has created an entire world to make what is meaningless appear meaningful to your perception.  All must enter into the Kingdom.  All will, sooner or later, come to realize that their happiness is shared with the Father.  That what is desired most of all is for all to share in God’s perfect love for His Sons.  The Sonship, once re-membered will choose Heaven, again, over the illusion that it had made.  Only what must be unreal can exist separate of that which must be real.  Simply stated, you do not belong here.  Heaven is home.  And those who seek anything are really looking for It.

Because the concept of size exists on a plane that is itself unreal, take no account of the magnitude of miracles or your capacity to extend them to others.  When you offer a miracle you do it to yourself and to Christ.  Miracles are the symbols of restored communication.  Restoring yourself—your mind—to the original state that God understands rests in wholeness.  You naturally become part of the correction to all errors not otherwise being corrected within the minds of your brothers who will be drawn, often by ‘miraculous’ means, to your light.  It is His Law that the opportunities to do them will befall you if you should fulfill Scripture in your own time, but you must be ready and willing.

The ability is the potential, the achievement is its expression, and the Atonement, which is the natural profession of the children of God, is the purpose.¹

And Heaven and earth shall indeed “pass away” because they will not continue to exist as separate states.

Spirit is in a state of grace forever.
Your reality is only spirit.
Therefore you are in a state of grace forever.²

1./2. A Course In Miracles, page 10.

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